About Me
I'm Patrizia, a soul who has always been passionate about illustration and with a natural predisposition to the head in the clouds.
I attended the Art School where, for the first time, I encountered clay.
Years later, with a baggage and many passions including the practice of meditation, the study of angelic reading and ancient caffeomancy, I decided to deepen this incredible journey into the world of terracotta and its infinite possibilities of expression.
From the mix of Earth-Water-Air-Fire, my works are born, conscious creatures speak of our ability to still be pure in joy but also deep souls who listen to each other and discover their essence.
The earth creates with me a channel that points to the sky, a constant reminder of the power of creativity and the healing synergy that occurs thanks to Mother Nature, the Pachamama, who always listens to us and sends us her teachings.
Contact Me
Whatsapp: +3494534061
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